Search Results for: Office

Budgeting with Tagetik 3.0 Enabled by Microsoft SharePoint
Listen to this webcast to learn about a complete software solution that can support Performance Management, extended Business Intelligence, Collaboration and Communication while maximizing all of Microsoft and Tagetik technology frameworks.

Tagetik Software

Tech Investors and Operators: Navigating Economic Headwinds
Check out this episode of “Tech Investors and Operators” to access a discussion between leaders from TechTarget and Scale Venture Partners about navigating economic headwinds.


The Role of Data Management in a Modern Data Ecosystem (Replay)
Looking to explore the rise of Modern Data Ecosystems and new approaches to data management? Tune in to this webinar to keep up to date with today’s top data management challenges, with exclusive insights from leaders in the space.


What Is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is a better way to run your business. Instead of running your apps yourself, they run on a shared data center. When you use any app that runs in cloud, you just log in, customize it, and start using it.

Multicloud and Your WAN
Today’s organizations are in need of greater speed and flexibility. Namely, they’re looking for ways to integrate their core data centers, regional offices and remote users with SaaS and IaaS providers, and to extend their traditional WAN to the cloud. Watch this webcast to learn how Apcela’s Arcus Platform may be able to assist.


IDC Best-in-class audio for enhanced employee wellbeing
As the world continues to favor hybrid work models, it’s crucial for organizations to have the proper tools and technology to enable effective collaboration and communication from anywhere. This starts with your audio quality. Tune into this podcast to learn more.

Shure Inc

Healthcare ransomware: Strategies for payers and providers
Leading healthcare payers and providers are moving forward on a digital agenda that spans from omnichannel consumer services to improved patient care. Join this webinar to learn about a three-phase approach to data protection that improves detection of possible attacks and accelerates recovery.

Pure Storage

Canadian Blood Services Leverages VMware ACE to Provide Complete and Secure Computing to Mobile Medical Staff
Learn how a large enterprise utilized a new solution to employ a scalable, efficient laptop deployment and management solution within their mobile vehicles. View this webcast now.

VMware, Inc.

American Tire Distributors on Virtualizing Oracle
In this brief video, learn how the leading wheel and tire distribution company American Tire Distributors was able to reduce costs, improve performance, and empower scalability and agility by virtualizing its Oracle E-Business Suite tools.

EMC Corporation

AllCloud Backup, Storage & Disaster Recovery on AWS
Tune into this brief video to learn how The Jones Company turned their server flooding situation around by backing up their data to the AWS cloud, strengthening data protection and compliance in the process.
