Melbourne's APR Kerbside has been using an AI-powered robot to pick up used Tetra Pak beverage cartons that can be turned into poly-coated boards. Read how this initiative is improving efficiency, increasing the volume of items that can be recycled, and enabling the circular economy.
In this week's Computer Weekly, the UK manufacturing sector is lagging behind on digital technology – we examine the challenges for the industry in becoming a global leader. Our buyer's guide looks at enterprise social media and collaboration tools. And we find out how data science is helping to boost cyber security strategies. Read the issue now.
Read how SEEBURGER's B2B Gateway and SAP Connector reduced time to market and development costs for both the ConAgra IT integration and subsequent projects through its ability to eliminate hard coding within SAP as well as handle B2B and EAI design.
Read this white paper to learn about actions that organizations can take to drive security efforts from a business-driven perspective, and how leadership from IBM can help enable success.
This white paper looks at some of the management risks and challenges associated with outsourced manufacturing strategies and summarizes the proven ways used by companies that have successfully resolved or mitigated these risks.
This paper explores optimization strategies and demonstrated benefits being achieved today with IBM Software solutions. Utilization of these capabilities can help you meet the increasing challenges of energy efficiency, cost containment and compliance.
The goal of this business continuity survey was to learn what these executives were doing about business continuity, and how it figured in their overall IT strategy.
Experts have been predicting an explosion in the mobile workforce trend for years, to learn more about this trend Citrix Online and the Work Design Collaborative joined forces to conduct a survey about trends in flexible work policies and technology.
Learn compliance challenges posed by new legislation and how to break down its complexity into actionable requirements at the business process level. Access and share compliance best practices, tools and methodologies using a collaborative platform.
This brochure shows how you can be a superhero by making WebSphere MQ the messaging backbone for your SOA, creating a common connection for the free flow of information.