It can be difficult to make sense of popular cloud communications service models. Compare UCaaS vs. CCaaS vs. CPaaS to understand their differences and how they can be used together.
The pandemic drove demand for embedded and digital communications as organisations looked to replace in-person communication. As a result, new CPaaS use cases emerged around telehealth, e-commerce and retail. This infographic highlights some of the key use cases driving change in the market.
The CPaaS market is maturing as increased demand for digital communications drives new use cases. Organizations looking to buy CPaaS APIs should examine the various use cases that APIs can address and how to choose a CPaaS provider. Read this article to learn more about the trends and providers fueling CPaaS market growth.
Efficient call centers that also meet customer expectations is a challenge that many organizations face. Discover the key steps to turning your call center into a strategic asset.
In this week's Computer Weekly, millions of people have difficulties when using websites – we find out how Boots is making its e-commerce offering fully accessible. Our new buyer's guide examines communications as a service. And we talk to Trainline's CTO about how the rail app provider survived and thrived post-pandemic. Read the issue now.
Quantum computing promises to revolutionise the capabilities of IT and take it to the next level beyond Moore's Law. But we're not there yet, and there is much to do before it reaches the mainstream. In this guide, we examine the challenges and opportunities of quantum computing.
TechTarget's IT Career & Salaries Study is designed to determine major trends in employment, salaries, perks, and staffing, in order to understand the tech landscape from the viewpoint that matters most; yours. As a valued member of the TechTarget network, we've selected you as a priority candidate, and need your response as soon possible.
As Estonia finalises the initial version of its government services digital assistant for launch, the man heading the project describes the birth of Bürokratt and beyond. Also read about Helsinki's role in a pan-EU project to introduce drone technology into emergency medical services.
In this issue of CW Europe, find out how researchers in the Netherlands are attempting to help IT systems fight certain cyber attacks in a similar way to the human immune system works. Also find out about the so-called "Klarna academy" in Stockholm, which has created the next set of Nordic fintech entrepreneurs.