Ensuring authenticity of online communications is critical to conduct business. Learn how to use a public key and private key in digital signatures to manage electronic documents.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) has rapidly evolved as different forms of content have been introduced to the work environment. In this guide, find out how ECM works, why it is so important, the key components and benefits, and what to look for when choosing ECM software.
Learn how Kalypsis, a clinical stage pharmaceutical company, is leveraging Xerox DocuShare Enterprise Content Management to control content for regulatory operations and clinical trials.
Genius Project4Domino is an easy-to-use, Lotus Notes and web-based project management solution. Use the virtual workplace to manage projects and processes, where internal and external people can be involved. Register for our free trial.
Businesses have more data to manage than ever before and they are also charged with keeping the costs of storage down. Oracle Database 11g introduces a comprehensive set of technologies to help address these challenges.
ROC Maestro for Open Systems, a key component of the ROC Enterprise Suite, provides a very easy method for scheduling and managing workloads, processes, dependencies and events across complex, heterogeneous IT environments.
Read this white paper to learn how records management as part of an enterprise content management (ECM) solution delivers substantial ROI through reduction in corporate risk, lower operational costs, and improved productivity.
Document management, either as a stand-alone technology or as part of a broader ECM initiative, enables an organization to effectively and efficiently control and leverage its content. This white paper will explore five tests to determine whether your organization can benefit from a Cloud ECM solution.
In this month's issue of SharePoint eZine, you'll learn how indexing content creates a search environment that gives users information as they need it, how to maintain your SharePoint governance documents while keeping them current, and how setting guidelines for site provisioning gives flexibility for users and helps manage growth.
In this Spotlight Report, Research Director Philip Howard explains why data discovery is of fundamental importance to data integration, data quality, and many other projects ranging from business intelligence through master data management to data governance and data archival. Read on to learn more about the importance of data discovery.