Word-of-mouth Reports

Part 5: Building for the Buying Committee
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
EGUIDE: In B2B, when you market and sell to organizations, you will likely be working with members of a buying committee both directly and “behind the scenes.” Download this expert guide to explore the 3 categories of people that commonly make up buying teams, and learn how to design a strategy that can address their differing expectations.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 27 Dec 2019

Informa TechTarget

Part 4: Establish Organizational Alignment
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: When sales and marketing talk about lead generation, tensions often arise. While disagreements are normal, there are important steps you can take to prevent them from undermining what you’ll need to continuously improve. Find out what those steps are – and how to successfully take them – in this expert e-book.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 12 Dec 2019

Informa TechTarget

Profiling ABM Success: New Research for Benchmarking and Roadmapping Your Own ABM Journey
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
RESEARCH CONTENT: As account-based marketing (ABM) evolves, so too do the ways leading organizations implement it. In this research report, learn about successful B2B ABM practitioner experiences, successes, and struggles. Glean insight into ABM strategies, and explore the profile of a successful ABM program.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 18 Apr 2019

Informa TechTarget

Document Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: Open this white paper to learn how to keep up with trends in marketing communication and demand generation to continue moving buyers through your sales funnel.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 19 Nov 2019

TOPICS:  Marketing
Informa TechTarget

RPA bots compared: Unattended vs. Attended vs. Hybrid
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
INFOGRAPHIC: Robotic process automation (RPA) bots can be divided into three modes -- unattended, attended and hybrid -- depending on how they operate within the enterprise. In this infographic, we compare the main similarities and differences between the three modes and examine how organizations can benefit from each of them.
Posted: 23 Mar 2022 | Published: 23 Mar 2022

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Epicor ICE 2.0: Introducing Next-Generation Business Architecture
sponsored by Epicor Software Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Epicor Internet Component Environment (ICE) 2.0 is a modern business architecture and application framework which utilizes a 100% service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 technologies for a new breed of enterprise solution.
Posted: 21 Nov 2008 | Published: 21 Nov 2008

Epicor Software Corporation

Infor CRM Interaction Advisor
sponsored by Infor CRM
PRODUCT DEMO: Watch this product demo to learn how Infor CRM Interaction Advisor will fuel organic growth by driving lifetime customer loyalty and increase value at every customer touch point without replacing any existing systems.
Posted: 22 Jul 2009 | Premiered: 22 Jul 2009

Infor CRM

Mastering New Challenges in Text Analytics: Making Unstructured Data Ready for Predictive Analytics
sponsored by SPSS Inc. Worldwide Headquarters
WHITE PAPER: This paper briefly defines text analytics, describes various approaches to text analytics, and then focuses on the natural language processing techniques used by SPSS Inc.'s text analytics solutions.
Posted: 20 Feb 2009 | Published: 20 Feb 2009

SPSS Inc. Worldwide Headquarters

Introduction to Requirements - The Critical Details That Make or Break a Project
sponsored by Global Knowledge
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper will discuss the various kinds of information technology requirements, their importance, the different requirement types, the concept of requirements engineering and the process for gathering requirements.
Posted: 10 Dec 2008 | Published: 10 Dec 2008

Global Knowledge

Building a Global B2B Brand
sponsored by Wipro
CASE STUDY: In this paper you'll read about the steps Wipro Technologies took in order to take its brand name to the next level in order to compete with the top global IT companies.
Posted: 12 Jun 2009 | Published: 12 Jun 2009
