Pharmaceutical Resources

Preventing pharmaceutical dependence among older patients
It is difficult to find one person who has not heard of the “opioid crisis,” referring to outpatients becoming addicted to opiates after being prescribed for various reasons. Learn how to prevent hospitalization-related iatrogenic dependence and reduce hospital return rates among older patients in this article.

Zebra Technologies

Industry Report: Virtual Value: A Market Survey on The Shift to Digital Scientific Discourse in Pharma and Biotech
In an August 2022 market research study, more than 600 medical science liaisons (MSLs) weighed in on virtual vs in-person engagements with potential key opinion leaders (KOLs); how it impacted their day-to day work and why even with more digital tools available.


America's Amphetamine Problem, Beyond the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Drugs used to treat ADHD have been lacking for months now, leading to problems with access to prescription amphetamines and creating questions about the cause of the massive shortage. Download the article to know more.

XtelligentMedia Healthcare