If you are being strong-armed into replacing your current storage with the newest equipment, remember that the “one-option-only” perception is just an illusion. Access this white paper to learn 6 must-know facts before your next storage buy.
This white paper explores requirements engineering and its groundbreaking role in product development and engineering for the industrial segment. It discusses the best practices and benefits of requirements engineering, and how automotive manufacturers can overcome today's quality and cost challenges using those best practices.
This white paper provides insight on ways that MSPs and IT departments can improve their management of services. Learn how using ITIL best practices with an automated management solution can address a number of the unique challenges these businesses face.
This white paper describes international procurement center (IPC) processes and capabilities, and explains the ways in which an IPC deployment can enhance your profitability.
In this paper Intel IT explores a proof of concept study that examined the viability of abstracting the client operating system from the hardware platform using virtualization.
Use this 2-part e-book for help understanding why digital advertising can improve end-to-end marketing and sales performance—and drive remarkable ROI.
Operatix is an international expert at creating meetings and opportunities for great tech companies. Watch this video to see why Operatix uses Priority Engine™ from TechTarget to boost meeting acceptance and opportunity yields, reduce no-shows and increase their ROI.
Watch this brief video to hear from Barry Magee, Director of Business Intelligence at Citrix, as he recounts how the Citrix sales team quickly adopted TechTarget’s Priority Engine, and the benefits it helped them realize.
Digital transformation is the buzz phrase, but is it more a question of evolution? In this issue, experts weigh in on digitisation and its effect on the world of work. Also read about local broadband providers aiming to improve internet connection and productivity, and find out how to tackle sales in a post-pandemic landscape
Muda - a Japanese word for 'waste' - is a key concept in lean manufacturing - always reduce waste. This concept translates to your sales and pipeline building. Read this expert e-book for 4 ways to eliminate wasted time and increase ISR productivity with better data.